Monday, June 30, 2008

Guillaume Seignac Jeune femme denudee sur canape painting

Guillaume Seignac Jeune femme denudee sur canape painting
Diego Rivera Portrait of Natasha Zakolkowa Gelman painting
So she had failed and Gilbert had won! Well, Matthew would be sorry--he had been so sure she would win.
And then!
Somebody called out:
"Three cheers for Miss Shirley, winner of the Avery!"
"Oh, Anne," gasped Jane, as they fled to the girls' dressing room amid hearty cheers. "Oh, Anne I'm so proud! Isn't it splendid?"
And then the girls were around them and Anne was the center of a laughing, congratulating group. Her shoulders were thumped and her hands shaken vigorously. She was pushed and pulled and hugged and among it all she managed to whisper to Jane:
"Oh, won't Matthew and Marilla be pleased! I must write the news home right away."
Commencement was the next important happening. The exercises were held in the big assembly hall of the Academy. Addresses were given, essays read, songs sung, the public award of diplomas, prizes and medals made.

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