Monday, June 2, 2008

Mucha Untitled Alphonse Maria Mucha painting

Mucha Untitled Alphonse Maria Mucha painting
Godward Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder painting
Waterhouse Gather ye rosebuds while ye may painting
Goya Nude Maja painting
``Of course I want to know you, my dear,'' cried Mrs. Struthers in a round rolling voice that matched her bold feathers and her brazen wig. ``I want to know everybody who's young and interesting and charming. And the Duke tells me you like music -- didn't you, Duke? You're a pianist yourself, I believe? Well, do you want to hear Sarasate play tomorrow evening at my house? You know I've something going on every Sunday evening -- it's the day when New York doesn't know what to do with itself, and so I say to it: `Come and be amused.' And the Duke thought you'd be tempted by Sarasate. You'll find a number of your friends.''
Madame Olenska's face grew brilliant with pleasure. ``How kind! How good of the Duke to think of me!'' She pushed a chair up to the tea-table and Mrs. Struthers sank into it delectably. ``Of course I shall be too happy to come.''
``That's all right, my dear. And bring your young gentleman with you.'' Mrs. Struthers extended a hail-fellow hand to Archer. ``I can't put a name to you -- but I'm sure I've met you -- I've met everybody, here, or in

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