Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Francisco de Goya Nude Maja painting

Francisco de Goya Nude Maja painting
childe hassam Wayside Inn Sudbury Massachusetts painting
music for free using technology such as Napster.“I believe all four of these schemes would have been cracked by pirates if they had been deployed,” said Edward Felten, an associate professor of computer science at Princeton.An SDMI representative said Monday that it was too early to verify the researchers’ claims, but that complete circumvention of all four security schemes was a “fairly low-probability event.” He said that even if the technologies were defeated, it would not prevent SDMI from devising strong and effective security measures.“I expected some would have fallen,” said SDMI’s Talal Shamoon. “This is part of an empirical process to get the best technology.” He said he doubts the researchers successfully defeated all four technologies. But if they did, the attacks would be used to strengthen the schemes.“The attacks themselves teach,” he said. “If all of these proposals were blown away beyond hope, which I believe is remote, then we need to look at the system as a whole, need to look if we need to invite new people to submit technologies or not. It’s a process of successive refinement

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