Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Titian paintings

Titian paintings
Theodore Chasseriau paintings
An elder statesman of the blues, Smith uses his tune to evoke the sentiment of frustration most Internet users have felt at one time or another, through slow connections, busy signals or unavailable pages. "Dot Com Blues" is a fluid, fast-paced song, showcasing Smith's organ-playing talents and maybe reflecting the speed of the Internet age. "Jimmy, probably being from the older segment of the population, reflects how many of the population feel about this tech overload," said Eric Gruner, station manager at WGMC, an all-jazz radio station in Rochester, N.Y. "My grandfather was an optical engineer and I remember the first time CDs came out, showing it to him — he's looking at a CD and says, 'music comes from this?' ... that, to me, is an example of the dot-com blues." Smith's track doesn't have lyrics. But Mark Elf, a jazz guitarist schooled

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