Monday, October 13, 2008

Claude Monet Cliffs Near Dieppe painting

Claude Monet Cliffs Near Dieppe painting
Fabian Perez Tango painting
beyond his grandfather’s, and the houses and trees were unfamiliar, he took Andrew’s hand and Andrew took his primly, but did not press it or look down at him. Pretty soon maybe he’ll tell me, Rufus thought. Or anyway say something. But his uncle did not say anything. Looking up at him, from a half step behind him, Rufus could see that he looked mad about something. He looked ahead so fixedly that Rufus suspected he was not really looking at anything, even when they stepped from the curb, and stepped up for the curb across from
Fabian Perez Flamenco painting
his eyes did not change. He was frowning, and the corners of his nose were curled as if he smelled something bad. Did I do something? Rufus wondered. No, he wouldn’t ask me for a walk if I did. Yes, he would too if he was real mad and wanted to give me a talking-to and not raise a fuss about it there. But he won’t say anything, so I guess he doesn’t want to give me a talking-to. Maybe he’s thinking. Maybe about Daddy. The funeral. (He saw the sunlight on the hearse as it began to move.) What all did they do out there? They put him down in

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