Wednesday, March 4, 2009

John William Godward Summer Flowers

John William Godward Summer FlowersJohn William Godward Absence Makes the Heart Grow FonderJohn William Waterhouse In the PeristyleJohn William Waterhouse Gather Ye Rosebuds while ye may
'We killed all our wizards,' said one of the men. 'Some ran away, but we killed quite a lot. They waved their hands and nothing came out.'
Rincewind stared at him.
'And we think you're a wizard too,' said the man holding Rincewind in an ever-tightening grip. 'You've got the box the man. 'The star has taken it away. All the false wizards said their funny words and then nothing happened and they looked at their hands in horror and very few of them, in fact, had the sense to run away.'
'I mean it!' said Rincewind.
He's going to kill me, he thought. That's it. I can't even bluff any more. No good at magic, no good at bluffing, I'm just a —on legs and you look like a wizard.'Rincewind became aware that the three of them and the Luggage had somehow become separated from their horses, and that they were now in a contracting circle of grey-faced, solemn people.Bethan had gone pale. Even Twoflower, whose ability to recognise danger was as good as Rincewind's ability to fly, was looking worried.Rincewind took a deep breath.He raised his hands in the classic pose he'd learned years before, and rasped, 'Stand back! Or I'll fill you full of magic!''The magic has faded,' said

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