Thursday, April 2, 2009

Salvador Dali Mirage

Salvador Dali MirageSalvador Dali Melting WatchSalvador Dali Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate
stared at them, mystified. He shook them, and watched the tiny snowfalls. He read the writing, noting how it wasn’t so door.
‘Hallo?’ he said.
A deep, rumbling, but very diffident voice said,
‘S’only me, Mr Poons.’
Windle wrinkled his forehead with the effort of recollection.
‘Schleppel?’ he said.much writing as a drawing of writing. He reached down and picked up the third object; it was a little bent metal wheel. Just one little metal wheel. And, beside it, a broken sphere.Windle stared at them.Of course, he had been a bit non-compos mentis in his last thirty years or so, and maybe he’d worn his underwear outside his clothes and dribbled a bit, but . . . he’d collected souvenirs? And little wheels? There was a cough behind him.Windle dropped the mysterious objects back into the hole and looked around. The room was empty, but there seemed to be a shadow behind the open

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