Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Winslow Homer The Herring Net

Winslow Homer The Herring NetWinslow Homer The Fog WarningWinslow Homer Rowing Home
and the dwarf walked towards it, occasionally barging into each other by deliberate accident.
'Anyway, you so clever, he gave paper to me?'
'Hah! Can you read it, then? Can you?'
'No, I tell you to read it. That called del-eg-ay-shun.'
'Hah! Can't read! Can't count! Stupid troll!'
'Not stupid!''How come you read notice? Get someone to hold you up?'
They walked into the door of the Alchemists' Guild.
'I knock. My job!'
'I'll knock!'
When Mr Sendivoge, the Guild secretary, opened the door it was to find a dwarf hanging on the knocker and being swung up and down by a troll. He adjusted his crash helmet.
'Yes?' he said.
Cuddy let go.'Hah! Yes? Everyone knows trolls can't even count up to four!''Eater of rats!''How many fingers am I holding up? You tell me, Mr Clever Rocks in the Head.''Many,' Detritus hazarded.'Har har, no, five. You'll be in big trouble on payday. Sergeant Colon'11 say, stupid troll, he won't know how many dollars I give him! Hah! How come you read the notice about joining the Watch, anyway? Got someone to read it to you?'
Detritus'massive brows knitted.

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