Friday, May 8, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with Yarnwinder

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with YarnwinderLeonardo da Vinci Madonna LittaLeonardo da Vinci Female HeadLeonardo da Vinci Annunciation
bards said they got better as they got older, although old men tend to say this sort of thing regardless of daily experience.
Imp plucked a string. The note hung in the air, and faded. The harp was fresh and bright and already it sang out like a bell. What it might other bards, who'd spent a lifetime learning how to listen to music.
But said, nevertheless. And, if they're said with the right passion and the gods are feeling bored, some­times the universe will reform itself around words like that. Words have always had the power to change the world.
Be careful what you wish for. You never know who will be like ina hundred years' time was unimaginable.His father had said it was rubbish, that the future was written in stones, not notes. That had only been the start of the row.And then he'd said things, and he'd said things, and suddenly the world was a new and unpleasant place, because things can't be unsaid.He'd said, 'You don't know anything! You're just a stupid old man! But I'm giving my life to music! One day soon everyone will say I was the greatest musician in the world!'Stupid words. As if any bard cared for any opinions except those of

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