Friday, September 19, 2008

Leroy Neiman Ryder Cup painting

Leroy Neiman Ryder Cup paintingLeroy Neiman 37th Ryder Cup paintingLeroy Neiman 18th at Valhalla painting
Rip had got to the decent age when he disliked meeting new people. He lived a contented between New York and the more American parts of Europe and everywhere, by choosing his season, he found enough of his old acquaintances to keep him effortlessly amused. For fifteen years at least he had dined with Margot Metroland during the first week of his visit to London, and he had always been sure of finding six or eight familiar and welcoming faces. It is true that there were also strangers, but these had passed before him and disappeared from his memory, leaving no more impression than a change of servants at his hotel.
Tonight, however, as he entered the drawing room, before he had greeted his hostess or nodded to Alastair Trumptington, he was aware of something foreign and disturbing. A glance round the assembled party confirmed his alarm. All the men were standing save one; these were mostly old friends interspersed with a handful of new, gawky

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