Monday, February 23, 2009

Frida Kahlo The Frame

Frida Kahlo The FrameFrida Kahlo Self Portrait with NecklaceFrida Kahlo Self Portrait with MonkeysFrida Kahlo Self Portrait 1940
Lyra, dear," she said, "I think that the Master of Jordan gave you something before you left. Isn't that right? He gave you an alethiometer. The trouble is, it wasn't his to give. It was left in his care. It's really too valuable to be carriedit?" Lyra said, not moving.
"Because of what he's doing. You know he's been sent away to exile, because he's got something dangerous and wicked in mind. He needs the alethiometer to finish his plan, but believe me, dear, the last thing anyone should do is let him have it. The Master of Jordan about-d'you know, it's one of only two or three in the world! I think the Master gave it to you in the hope that it would fall into Lord Asriel's hands. He told you not to tell me about it, didn't he?"Lyra twisted her mouth."Yes, I can see. Well, never mind, darling, because you didn't tell me, did you? So you haven't broken any promises. But listen, dear, it really ought to be properly looked after. I'm afraid it's so rare and delicate that we can't let it be at risk any longer.""Why shouldn't Lord Asriel have

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